How to Create a Great Product Page on Vooka


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How to Create a Great Product Page on Vooka

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Your product page is one of the most important pages on your website. So it’s only natural that you’d want to create a great product page.

Good product pages help convert browsers into buyers. Also, they help give your customers the information they need to make an informed purchase. 

There are many ways to build eCommerce product pages. In this article, we’ll share some best practices for a product page design that you can use to improve your own pages.

You’ll also see examples of different product pages so you can better understand what works well and what doesn’t.

Let's jump in.

Product Page Design: Tips for Ecommerce Entrepreneurs

Your product pages can make or break your eCommerce business. So it’s crucial to design them well. Below are all the elements you need to include in your product pages design to make them more inviting for online shoppers.

The Perfect Product Description

According to Nielsen Norman Group, the most effective product descriptions are scannable, concise, and objective. This type of content was shown to improve usability by 124%.

To create scannable content, you should include short bullet points in your product descriptions for easy reading. Concise content is 1-4 sentences describing the product. Objective content describes the product honestly rather than exaggerating benefits.

The Perfect Product Images

The best product pages feature high-quality images showcasing the products in all their glory. You should never compromise on image quality as it can have a negative impact on your sales. If a picture is low quality or doesn’t represent the product well, consumers aren’t going to move forward with the purchase.

People want a clear idea of what the product might look like in real life. Learning product photography can help you capture images that shoppers envision their appearance. 

You should also note that some product sourcing platforms allow you to import product images. For example, you can import item images from Spocket to use on your product pages. Once imported, make sure to remove logos from product images in PhotoShop. If your product was shot on a grey background, remove the background to make it white. Try to create a consistent look for the products on your website.

Next, consider including 360-degree images in your product page designs to enhance the visitor experience. Customers enjoy being able to see all angles of a product. For example, knowing what the front and back of a top look like helps customers see what they’re buying.

A Sense of Urgency

You can increase sales by as much as 332% by creating scarcity and a sense of urgency. You can also increase your conversion rate by doing this.

Urgency helps turn the casual browser into a buyer, fast. When your customers browse your store, a great product will seduce the browser. However, having a sale countdown timer can help encourage the browser to buy right now.

Intuitive Layout

Your customer should be able to know how to use your website even if they don’t understand the language. There’s a general product page layout that your online store should integrate. Don’t use funky, impractical layouts as they can confuse customers or frustrate them. Keep it simple.

Most of the time, the product image is on the left. The product copy is on the right with the Add to Cart button close by and prominent. Make sure your Add to Cart button can be clearly seen.

When choosing a theme for your store, you should make sure it looks similar to other popular websites in your niche. While many will say ‘stand out from the competition,’ this is generally bad advice when it comes to product page layouts.

Recommended Products

While you might want to a/b test whether this will help with conversions, having recommended products encourage customers to stay on your site a little longer.

Oftentimes, you’ll have models wearing more than just the top you’re selling. If you sell the matching skirt or the earrings the model is wearing, having it in your recommended products will help customers complete their look.

When it comes to recommended products, avoid having products that look too identical. This can cause a customer to become confused and may result in fewer sales. This is because more choices requires more thinking.

Summary: Product Page Best Practices for 2022

  1. Include an epic product description
  2. Post the perfect product images
  3. Add a sense of urgency
  4. Ensure the layout is intuitive 
  5. Include recommended products