Simple ways to improve your online store's perfomance


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Simple ways to improve your online store's perfomance

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Get organized: Organize products into logical categories. Use high quality photos, accurate descriptions, and updated prices/promotions.

Keep it simple: Avoid overloading your customers with buttons to click or pages to open. Ideally, a customer should be able to complete a purchase in 4-6 clicks.

Be consistent: Keep your branding (logo, colors, tone of voice) consistent. Your online store might be the only place your customers interact with your business.

Post more video content: Research shows that people are more likely to watch a 1 minute video than read an article for the same amount of time. Videos are a good ways to show your customers that you understand the subject matter or to give them a clear look and feel of the product you are selling. 

Supply and distribution are key: Make sure you have a smooth supply and distribution process in place before you go live.

Test delivery: If you’re offering next-day delivery, test it before you launch, especially if working with a third-party distributor.

Embrace automation: Set up an automated email process for order confirmations, invoices and receipts, shipping notifications and feedback requests.

Stay vigilant: Check your security settings and reports regularly to stay ahead of new threats.

Schedule checkups: Set a schedule (weekly or monthly) for checking that products are up to date, prices are correct, and links are still active. Also, don’t forget to check that your security and payments subscriptions and certificates are up to date.

Analyze then tweak: Take time to pore over your site analytics and reporting. You might find that a particular page has a high bounce rate, only to discover that a button is inactive. With any website, constant tweaks and improvements are the key to success.

Spread the word: Offering customers sneak previews or advance discounts for upcoming sales are a couple of simple ways to get the word out about your online presence.

Monitor your site visits and search statistics : Google analytics, Google Search Console and other similar platforms offer reliable metrics on the quality of traffic your website is receiving. Use them to troubleshoot your website experience and as tools to help you fix any errors on your website.